Cómo Prepararte para una Visita Universitaria en 5 Pasos
Visitar universidades es una parte emocionante del proceso de admisión, ya que te permite imaginarte como estudiante universitario. Las visitas son una gran oportunidad para hablar con asesores de admisiones y profesores, ver la vida estudiantil de primera mano y descubrir qué te gusta y qué no.
How to Prepare for a College Visit in 5 Steps
Visiting colleges is an exciting part of the college application process because it allows you to envision yourself as a college student. Visits are a great opportunity to talk to admissions counselors and professors, see student life firsthand, and figure out what you like and don’t like.
Senior Year: Cómo encontrar el equilibrio entre el último año de highschool y tus aplicaciones a las universidades.
El último año de high school es un momento emocionante lleno de recuerdos duraderos, desafíos académicos y planes a futuro. Para muchos estudiantes, también es el año más exigente, ya que es cuando pasan por el proceso de aplicaciones universitarias.
Balancing Senior Year and College Applications: Time Management Tips for Students and Parents
Senior year of high school is an exciting time filled with lasting memories, academic challenges, and the anticipation of the future. For many students, it’s also the most demanding year as they navigate the college application process.
Planeación Inteligente: La ruta de Cuatro Años para el éxito universitario para estudiantes de High School
When it comes to college admissions, the earlier you prepare, the less stressful the process will be. A well-structured four-year plan can guide students through these pivotal years, ensuring they make the most of their opportunities and stay on track to achieve their admissions goals.
Smart Planning: A Four-Year Roadmap to College Success for High School Students
When it comes to college admissions, the earlier you prepare, the less stressful the process will be. A well-structured four-year plan can guide students through these pivotal years, ensuring they make the most of their opportunities and stay on track to achieve their admissions goals.
Fomenta la Perseverancia: Cultivando una Mentalidad de Crecimiento para la Excelencia Académica y Personal
Fomenta la Perseverancia: Cultivando una Mentalidad de Crecimiento para la Excelencia Académica y Personal 19 de Agosto 2024 En su charla viral […]
5 ways to support your children during the admissions process
5 Ways to Support Your Child During the College Admission Process August 10, 2024 The college admission process is a significant milestone […]
The impact of social media on the mental health of adolescents during the university admission process
The Impact of Social Media on Teen Mental Health During the College Admissions Process Julio 8, 2024 The influence of social media […]
Fostering Grit: Cultivating a Growth Mindset for Academic and Personal Excellence
Fostering Grit: Cultivating a Growth Mindset for Academic and Personal Excellence August 19, 2024 In her viral 2013 TED Talk, psychologist Angela […]
5 formas de apoyar a tus hijos durante el proceso de admisiones
5 Formas de Apoyar a tus Hijos durante el Proceso de Admisiones 12 de Agosto 2024 El proceso de admisión a las […]
El impacto de las redes sociales en la salud mental de los adolescentes durante el proceso de admisión a la universidad
El Impacto de las Redes Sociales en la Salud Mental de los Adolescentes durante el Proceso de Admisión a la Universidad 8 […]